Facilities Committee - COVID

Covid-19 Facilities Information

November 4, 2020

The Facilities Committee has prepared this set of Winter Maintenance Guidelines, per the last entry.

September 15, 2020

The Facilities Committee is working on guidelines for keeping FSILG buildings in good shape for the winter. Expect a document to be posted within the next few weeks.

Get your heat checked out ASAP, as weather that needs heat is coming soon. Although buildings are sparsely occupied or unoccupied, heat will still be needed to keep pipes from freeaing. It is not feasible, for various reasons, to close buildings to the extent that water may be shut off and drained. Some subsistence heat will need to be maintained throughout the season.

You are strongly urged to take up MIT's offer to pay for management service this semester (whether it's via FCI or another vendor). Winter will require close vigilance to prevent freezes, and as mentioned sparsely occupied buildings will be a challenge. Professional management can assure things are in good shape by looking in on things and correcting issues on a timely basis. This includes all matters regarding the physical plant.

The Facilities Committee is developing requirements for changes to the SLI dashboard, having heard from users of issues associated with the web site. We are gathering input in this google doc. Please leave comments and/or edit.

April, 2020

The Facilities Committee has prepared a set of Guidelines for the Retrieval of Belongings, for those graduating seniors who left items behind after the Covid-19 move-out.

The Facilities Committee, in conjunction with FCI, is available to assist in matters regarding building security and maintenance. We have prepared this Facility Continuity Guidelines document as a quick guide to keeping your house viable during the Covid-19 downtime.