AILG accred. meeting Feb 8, 2016 Attending: Herman Marshall, John Covert, Brittany, Steve Carhart, Bob Ferrara, Ernie Sabine 1- upcoming reviews: Two groups have responded (PKS, DKE) for 2 different dates. Volunteers are available for 2 April and 30 April, which have been selected by these two groups. 5 March will likely be dropped. So far John is on schedule for this term. Steve volunteered for one of the two dates. There's a new volunteer (Liz Oltman, Alpha Phi). 2- Sig Ep review: Brittany reported that they have started an intervention with the students so they won't be ready for a review until the fall at the earliest. They have met with Steve Stuntz as well and contacted Sig Ep's national and some local alumni. We will meet in August 3- Accred. Report for 2014-5: The report draft 4 was distributed and we expect comments by Feb. 16, 2016. Herman will post the final version or send to Epsilon Theta to have them post it. 4- Rubric comments: Everyone is asked to examine the attachment that Herman sent on Feb. 5 to the committee. We will go over this at the next meeting (in March), so everyone go over it in detail before the meeting. 5- BDF data aggregation: This topic came up at the Board meeting in January and was discussed further at the Feb. 4 meeting of the Board. The issue was whether we could provide BDF data for people within AILG to use, such as the number of students in the FSILG system. Jacob said that the FSILG office would like to obtain information such as recruitment and occupancy data and would be willing to provide it to the BDF. John suggested using some of the machinery of the BDF to provide a new URL for living groups to enter the data for the FSILG office. BDF chart B1 contains data that are almost completely collected already by the FSILG office. BDF chart C2 is a bit trickier but the information is available in MIT's housing data base. John and Jacob will meet to discuss how to import FSILG office data into the BDF to suit the needs of accreditation reviews. It may not be so important that what we obtain is exactly what is asked within the BDF but it is very important to ensure consistency with the FSILG office. The next meeting will be March 7, 2016. Jacob will send out an invitation and reserve the room.