Meeting of the Accreditation Committee Jan. 9, 2017 Attending: Herman Marshall, John Covert, Steve Carhart (by phone) 0- Minutes review Herman will send a private message summarizing the discussion from the last meeting for the AILG Board. Implementing the shepherding process would involve getting experienced reviewers to attend a BDF kickoff meeting between chapter alumni and undergraduates. 1- Recent reviews All reports have been submitted except AEPhi, which has been sent to the chapter, Alpha Chi Omega's report is awaiting clarification of the chapter's response. 2- Upcoming reviews John will ask groups for preferences for dates for review on 1/10/17. The deadline for requesting dates is 2/3/17, the deadline for confirmation of a Feb. review is 2/6/17, and confirmation of other dates is 2/13/16. BDF announcement for Feb. 25 is coming out this coming Friday. See the website for an updated version of the AILG Accreditation Status sheet. John will add a note to the first message to a living group that we will find an experienced reviewer to attend the first meeting of the undergrads and alumni to ease the process of starting work on the BDF. Steve, Herman, and Kim volunteered to be BDF shepherds for reviews to take place in February. 3- Annual report Herman and John will review the TBDs and other parts of the current draft. [This was done just after the meeting adjourned. Open areas were discussed and responsibilities for changes agreed.] 4- BDF privacy and aggregation for AILG use Tom sent availability times to Herman, who will work out a time to meet with John. [This was done just after the meeting, settling on Jan. 12 at 3PM in W59.] The next meeting will be on Jan. 30, as Herman will be traveling during the first week of February.