Accreditation Committee June 15, 2015 1- Accreditation report: We reviewed a draft of the Accreditation Report that John sent around on June 1 (available at We agreed that the abstract should be revised using the 2-paragraph summary report to the plenary. The rubric mentioned in section 1.2 (New features/Metrics) should be added as an appendix, along with averages taken from the use of the rubric over the year, which could be a simple table. The TBD expenses should be filled in (section 3.3), including the coordinator pay rate ($55/hr). We considered moving the review approach to an appendix (and adding a version indicator) but this change was tabled to a future report. A paragraph on the implementation of the "reservation tracker" system should be added to section 1. Herman will supply this to John. 2- Rubric: We decided that the FSILG office should be added to the rubric evaluation; it would be completed before the review takes place and perhaps used as a framework for the review leader to consider when calling the FSILG office before the review. The rubric summary results should be split into averages for fraternities, sororities, and ILGs separately. 3- Reviews: John received information that BTP's chapter tax return status has been cleared up with a document received from the BTP national. John will contact the BTP alumni to inform them that this reservation has been cleared. A reservation tracker is needed for SN. David Hutchings and Matt Veris were mentioned as candidates. The tracker could contact John for a tax status update before going to SN.