Meeting of the Accreditation Committee Mar. 7, 2017 Attending: Herman Marshall, John Covert, Steve Carhart, Kayla Lemay, Liz Jason, Brad Badgley (late) 1- Recent reviews Reviews of SK and WILG were done and we expect results of 'Recommend Accreditation.' 2- Upcoming reviews Student House has yet to submit a BDF for an upcoming review but otherwise, all is ready for the March 18 reviews. More reviewers are needed for April 29. John will check to see whether it is okay with groups that day to be visited with Liz Jason as an observer; the groups would be KAT and Chi Phi. 3- Annual report No progress. John has to add in some budget info and Herman has to provide some text. 4- FSILG office There is no action yet on AEPhi [Brad was not present at the time and could have more to say about it]. 5- Rubric and BDF adjustments One suggestion was to hold a 'mock review', to provide an example of how it might proceed and educate living group members and alumni who have not attended one previously. We agreed that a splinter group should examine how to redesign the BDF to be more appropriate for sororities so that there'd be more commonality with the existing PanHel review approach and reduce the effort needed for Accreditation reviews. 6- BDF data privacy and aggregation There has been no progress because the method of aggregation hasn't been settled. John was asked to provide raw BDF data but that action would entail a privacy violation and would be inconsistent with the process outlined by the motion passed by the AILG plenary. Herman should talk to Akil Middleton (lead of the requesting group) and perhaps also Steve Baker about it. The next meeting will be on April 4, as we will now move to meeting on Tuesdays at 3PM.