AILG Facilities Committee Meeting 1/5/2022 10:00 am via Zoom

Attendees: Bob Ferrara, Tom Stohlman, Pam Gannon, Bill Tsocoyeanes, Josh Schuler, Scott Klemm, Larry Stabile, Alex Pina, Dennis Collins, Ernie Sabine, Tom Holtey, Patrick McCabe, Peter Cooper

Meeting notes for 12/1 and 12/15 were approved. AILG Roof Deck Occupancy Policy and Procedures as amended will be attached to 12/15 notes.

Tom reported conversations with Brad that he observes that fraternity members have little interest in maintaining their houses. We need to adapt to this change. Pam noted that sorieties never have wanted to be involved in maintenance. Tom Holtey indicated that IRDF looking at reimbursement for maintenance services.

Pam reported for DSL by reviewing MIT requirement for booster shots, testing, quiet week, positive test isolation in place, providing KN95 masks (see AILG Covid Updates)

Discussed FCI's updates to SLI dashboard. We decided to review as a committee when ready, before presenting to AILG membership.

DTD Roof deck occupancy request was discussed: 20 to 24 casual residential increase based on stairs and fire escape, 20 to 41 for events. Moved, seconded and majority voted to table to next meeting so all can fully understand the issues.


Josh reported:
1. Per BFD inspection: 8 Boston FSILGs (9 buildings) with American Alarm as their provider have had all older (10+ years old) devices replaced. More during the January quarterly inspections.
2. Cambridge inspections done and all through (bumpy ride).
Cambridge ISD is requiring that only building owner can apply.

House Manager 101 discussed. Josh will develop a proposal. Suggested that we do house visits with Actives and Alumni. Perhaps each Committee member can adopt several houses. Facility Action Plans might provide a starting point. Whatever program needs to be kicked off with an open meeting.

Notes by Peter Cooper