AILG Facilities Committee Meeting 11/3/2021 10:00 AM via Zoom

Attendees: Scott Klemm, Larry Stabile, Tom Holtey, Bill Tsocoyeanes, Tom Stohlman, Patrick McCabe, Pam Gannon, Alex Pina (DTD), Josh Schuler, Dennis Collins, Peter Cooper

Minutes of 10/6 meeting approved.

Pam reported that renewal surveys are in progress for doors and egress. Patrick accompanied the architect on his house survey and was complimentary of the quality.

Josh Schuler, our Building Safety Facilitator, reported that the Boston Fire Inspector wants improved signage for sprinkler room, gas shutoff, fire extinguishers and replacement of smoke detectors more than 10 years old. An email is forthcoming detailing all this.
Evacuation Route Diagrams need to be updated

The DTD roof deck occupancy request was discussed. Tom and Akil will clarify roof deck occupancy approval process.
Moved, seconded and voted to postpone DTD issue to the December meeting.

FCI Dashboard Improvements discussed. Top five documents will be shown for all houses. All documents for our own houses will be shown. There will be one category for BSF inspections.

Discussed survey of house maintenance budgets. First we will collect data from any house willing to share data. Could be made part of the peer review process.

NEXT MEETING Wednesday December 1
Meeting notes by Peter Cooper