AILG Facilities Committee Meeting 12/1/2021 10:00 am via Zoom

Attendees: Scott Klemm, Tom Stohlman, Larry Stabile, Patrick McCabe, Bob Ferrara, Bill Tsocoyeanes, Tom Holtey, Ernie Sabine, Brad Badgley, Josh Schuler ,Dennis Collins, Peter Cooper

Notes of 11/3 meeting were approved.

Brad reported for DSL that winter emails coming out shortly; requesting local contacts for holidays and IAP; also urging locking doors, closing windows, snow and trash removal.
Scott reported for FCI that dashboard will be updated in January. Cambridge Inspectional Services struggling with their computer upgrade.

Moved, seconded and voted to postpone DTD roof deck occupancy request to the January meeting.

AILG Roof Deck Occupancy Policy and Procedures draft language discussed. Several changes were suggested. Tom Stohlman will revise and distribute the document. An important issue is to clarify when AILG Board disagrees with Facility Committee recommendation. Who has final authority?
The city roof deck certification involves structural condition, railing heights, etc. and review by a registered architect or engineer.
Meeting to discuss and finalize document will be held Wednesday 12/15 at 10:00 am

Next Facilities Committee meeting Wednesday January 5, 2022 at 10:00 am.

Notes by Peter Cooper