AILG Facilities Committee Meeting March 2, 2022 10:00 am via Zoom

Attendees: Tom Stohlman, Ernie Sabine, Larry Stabile, Bob Ferrara, Dennis Collins, Tom Holtey, Scott Klemm, Josh Schuler, Patrick McCabe, Peter Cooper

Minutes of 2/2/2022 meeting were approved.

Tom Stohlman's chairman's report indicated that the AILG Board is discussing options for HM101 and an off-site retreat (Bob's Day).
No report by DSL.

FCI reviewed SLI dashboard changes. Larry urged that a sub-committee develop a list of dashboard requirements so FCI knows what they should be working toward.
Boston licenses has gone to building owner rather than FCI. FCI needs copies for the files. Tom Holtey requested a procedure for what to do with licenses.
Josh is working on inspection scheduling for Boston.
He has encountered a number of water leakage/seepage issues, some resulting in mold. He has used a mold tester prior to any demolition. Need to educate undergrads to promptly report any leakage sighting.

Josh suggested that house manager training could take the form of creating small mutual support groups of 2-3 houses each. His draft plan pasted below.

A sub-committee of Stohlman, Stabile and McCabe will update contracts for BSF and SLI.

Josh's HM Training Draft:
Alum programming draft - 1/month zoom - undergrad in parallel
March: intros and volunteer history, immediate issues, ed nugget
April: Summer plans (housing and projects), education on systems, inspections, immediate issues, ed nugget
May: Joint alum/uhm - intros and shared concerns, Summer plans, immediate issues, ed nugget
June: multi-group

Suggested match-ups:
Student House/Fenway/SN-LCA



Next Meeting Wednesday April 6, 10:00 am

Notes by Peter Cooper