AILG Facilities Committee Meeting 3/6/2019 8:00 am at FCI Office MIT Student Center W20-020 Attendees: Larry Stabile, Scott Klemm, Tom Stohlman, Tom Holtey, Pam Gannon, Pat McCabe, Dennis Collins, and by phone Bob Ferrara and Peter Cooper. BSF, Tom Stohlman reported that preinspections are in progress. Common issues are that egress is blocked and that shoes are stored in the hall. Facilities Renewal cost estimates are in MIT Dept of Facilities review. Discussed houses in trouble with their buildings. Some contact Brad Badgley for help. Becomes an MIT student livability issue. Facilities Committee needs to be aware in order to help. Discussed methods and frequency of communication. Houses with various challenges include AEPi, PKT, TDC, ADP, NuDelta. Might assign a Facility Committee member to each. Discussed property management models as part of strategic planning several years ago. Table of management models on website. Budget items for submission to AILG Board discussed. Moved, seconded and voted to submit $43,200 for BSF, $40,350 for SLI/FCI. BSF fee $825 BSF and $550 SLI per house. NEXT MEETING APRIL 3. Notes by Peter Cooper