AILG Facilities Committee Meeting April 8, 2020 9:00 am via Zoom Attendees: Larry Stabile, Joshua Schuler, Bob Ferrara, Tom Stohlman, Scott Klemm, Patrick McCabe, Ernie Sabine, Pam Gannon, Liz Jason, Brad Badgley, Tom Holtey, Peter Cooper Status: No change. American Alarm quarterly inspections started. Will replicate AA's form to be posted inside buildings for sign in of visitors/contractors. Campus Preview Weekend will be virtual. CPW hosting will be pen pals. Virtual CPW event by IFC/Pan Hel for students and parents. Chat rooms with 2-5 students and president. FSILG Office will event/chat room. Cecilia is on AILG Board and works for MIT Medical, which is offering testing for on campus (and FSILGs) students. Related to MIT research. 17 tested so far. Tom Stohlman urged testing for Scott and Joshua. Scott will forward to Cecilia. MIT Medical has a tracking system. Continuity calls and checklist: Scott will revise continuity document to be more positive. Larry will revise and resend. AILG Board wants to review script. Akil will review with Board. Callers for fraternities and ILGs: Larry, Tom, Bob, Patrick. Pam will make list of callers. She will consider sororities. BSF Contracts: One for April 1 to June 1. The other for 12 months starting June 1. Moved, seconded and voted to recommend and forward to ALG Board. Scott suggested we work on best practices before reopening: maintenance, disinfection, cleaning, confidence in condition of facilities for returning students. NEXT MEETING Wed April 15 9:00 am via Zoom. Notes by Peter Cooper