Theme #3 Report

Theme #3 Report

Theme #3: We will revitalize our facilities.

The FSILG Strategic Planning team for Theme 3 focused on our facilities. The team initially included some students but for the entire  duration included FSILG alums, MIT Housing,  FSILG Coop and the SLI Building Safety Facilitator, essentially an expanded AILG Facilities Committee. The 2012 plan was specific enough that the committee was able to work on implementation of important elements of most initiatives.

Theme #3 Initiatives:

  • Initiative #3.1: Create a plan to bring every FSILG house up to par with on-campus residence Halls
  • Initiative #3.2: Create “sand boxes” in houses to encourage collaborative learning
  • Initiative #3.3: Develop a sustainable property management model
  • Initiative #3.4: Develop tools to educate our member groups about capital planning
  • Initiative #3.5: Address lease challenges in MITIMCo-owned leased housing

What has been accomplished:  A floor area analysis was performed for each house and MIT residence hall. FSILGs seemed more crowded (sf/person) based on legal occupancy limit, but comparable to MIT dorms using actual occupancyA scope was developed and meetings have been held with MIT Department of Facilities to update the FSILG floor plans .Pricing against our scope is forthcoming.

An RFP has been developed to perform a Capital Needs (Condition) Assessment which would update and be more  specific  than  the 1998 VFA assessment. Two chapters have strong interest and will be the pilots for the assessment.

Property Management Scope Matrix was created accommodating a range of responsible parties from undergraduates self performing to professional PM such as MIT Housing.

capital planning model was created in excel to assist FSILG Boards in evaluating a range of renewal and funding  scenarios.

Challenges in MITIMCo-owned leased housing has been recognized at high levels of MIT management and staff have been charged with addressing the issue. Substantive meetings and discussions are underway.

What was dropped: Creation of “sandboxes” to encourage collaborative learning (3.2) was dropped from further effort. We determined that control of our space is enough to allow this to readily occur now.

What work is continuing on: Theme 3 initiatives have been taken on by the AILG Facilities Committee. Work continues on the floor plans and the Capital Needs (Condition) Assessment. Once a floor plan quote and the Assessment  pilots are complete, scope, cost and funding can be determined for partial or  full implementation. We will be seeking an indicative cost proposal for outside professional property management to assist alumni boards in evaluating this alternative. Work on leases continues.

What emerging needs were identified:So far the right people have been at our table to move our initiatives along. Floor plans and capital needs assessment will need funding decisions by MIT, IRDF, AILG and members to move beyond pilot stage.
