The AILG Plenaries for the 2024-2025 academic year:

The AILG Plenary meetings are opportunities for representatives from all MIT FSILG alumni/ae corporations to discuss topics of community interest, hear committee reports, vote on issues, and keep in touch with the MIT FSILG Office and student councils. All member groups are expected to send a representative to these meetings.

The AILG Plenaries and Board meetings will be in person with a possible option for  remote (Zoom) participation starting at 6pm. Subscribe to the AILG mailing list by reaching out to to receive meeting links over email.

  • September, 2024: Plenary – Thursday, September 19, 2024 at 6pm @ TBD
  • November, 2024: Plenary – Thursday, November 21, 2023 at 6pm @ TBD
  • December, 2024: Holiday Party – TBD
  • January, 2025: Annual Retreat – TBD
  • February, 2025: Plenary – TBD
  • May, 2025:  Annual Meeting – TBD

Standing Committee meetings (all meetings are virtual, subject to change):

  • AILG Board: TBD will be set soon.
  • AILG Peer Visit Committee (formerly Accreditation): 4th Monday of each month at 6pm Eastern. For Zoom link, check with committee co-chair Roy Russell (
  • AILG Facilities Committee: First Wednesday of the month at 10am Eastern. But check with committee chair, Ernie Sabine (
  • AILG IT Committee: Check IT Committee page or contact committee co-chairs, Bob Ferrara ( or Bob Xavier (

2024-2025 AILG Events and Meetings
All dates consistent with the MIT 2024-2025 Academic Calendar 

August 2024

  • TBD – AILG Board meeting

September 2024

  • TBD — AILG Board meeting 
  • Thursday, September 19, 6pm — AILG Plenary
  • September 27-28 — Alumni Association’s Alumni Leadership Conference

October 2024

  • TBD — AILG Board meeting

November 2024

  • TBD — AILG Board meeting
  • Thursday, November 21, 6pm — AILG Plenary

December 2024

  • TBD  — AILG Board meeting
  • TBD  — AILG Holiday Party

January 2025

  • No January Board Meeting

February 2025

  • TBD — AILG Board meeting
  • TBD — AILG Plenary Meeting

March 2025

  • TBD — AILG Board meeting

April 2025

  • TBD — AILG Board meeting

May 2025

  • TBD — AILG Board meeting
  • TBD — AILG Annual Meeting