At the conclusion of each academic year there are typically several award ceremonies that provide an opportunity for the FSILG Community to express appreciation to students, alums, and organizations and to recognize their support of the mission and values of the FSILG community.

Lifetime Achievement Awards

The Lifetime Achievement Awards recognize many years of dedicated service to an FSILG chapter and to the FSILG community as a whole. They are not presented every year. The AILG Board typically selects only a small number of awardees. Here are Lifetime Achievement Awards for the past several years.

  • Walt Colby ’62, Sigma Alpha Epsilon – 2024
  • Bob Ferrara ’67, Theta Chi – 2023
  • Eric Cigan ’83, Lambda Chi Alpha  – 2022
  • Thomas Holtey ’62, Chi Phi – 2022
  • Jim Latimer ’63, Sigma Alpha Epsilon – 2019
  • Rob Calhoun ’90, Tau Epsilon Phi  – 2017
  • David Latham ’61, Delta/Upsilon/Theta Tau – 2017
  • Jim Bueche ’62, Chi Phi – 2013 
  • Steve Stuntz ’67, Sigma Phi Epsilon – 2013 
  • Herb Cantor ’44, Sigma Alpha Mu – 2012 
  • Tom Egan, Delta Kappa Epsilon – 2012 
  • Joe Chapman ’79, Tau Epsilon Phi – 2011 
  • William Denhard ‘42, Phi Kappa Sigma – 2010 
  • William Noz ‘57, Sigma Alpha Epsilon – 2010 
  • Bruce Wedlock ‘56, Phi Kappa Sigma – 2010 
  • Al Bloom ’50, Alpha Epsilon Pi – 2009 
  • Bob Sandman ’48, Alpha Epsilon Pi – 2009
  • Reid Weedon ’41, Phi Beta Epsilon – 2009 

Outstanding Alum Volunteer Awards

The Outstanding Alum Volunteer Awards are presented at the AILG Annual Meeting. The awards recognize outstanding service by alumni/ae volunteers to Chapter House Corporations, Advisory Boards, individual FSILGs, AILG committees or the FSILG community.

2024 Award Winners

  • Mark Beasman ‘75, Phi Beta Epsilon
  • Steve Bergstein ‘87, Alpha Delta Phi
  • Chris Bruner ‘94, Lambda Chi Alpha
  • Joe McMahon ‘85, Phi Sigma Kappa
  • Liz Oltman ’94 (RPI), Alpha Phi
  • Roy Russell ‘79, Phi Beta Epsilon
  • Stan Wulf ‘65, Phi Delta Theta
2023 Award Winners
  • Matthew Carvey ’05, Theta Xi
  • Larry Stabile ’74, Theta Delta Chi
  • Alex Tellez ’87, Phi Sigma Kappa

    2022 Award Winners

    • David Baumgartner ’08, Theta Chi
    • Sean Beausoleil ’88, Phi Sigma Kappa
    • Catherine Higgins ’06, Alpha Chi Omega
    • Nina Shah Mak ’01, WILG
    • Eric Muñoz ’09, Zeta Psi
    • Alex Pina ’09, Delta Tau Delta
    • William D. Putt ’59, Sigma Alpha Epsilon
    • Victor Rhoads ’79, Phi Beta Epsilon

    2020, 2021 Award Winners

    • No awards due to Covid pandemic

    2019 Award Winners

    • Amairani Garcia ’15, Alpha Chi Omega
    • Steve Carhart ’70, Phi Beta Epsilon
    • Michael Feinstein ’82, Beta Theta Pi

    2018 Award Winners

    • Mark Beasman ’75, Phi Beta Epsilon
    • Amber Stangroom Fitzgerald ’12, Alpha Chi Omega
    • Victor Tulli ’91, Chi Phi

    2017 Award Winners

    • Colleen Josephson ’13, Tau Epsilon Phi
    • Joe Kubit ’70, Phi Beta Epsilon
    • Jim Latimer ’63, Sigma Alpha Epsilon
    • George Mabry ’76, Delta Kappa Epsilon
    • Jim Monk ’64, Lambda Chi Alpha
    • Mary Linton Peters ’92, Kappa Alpha Theta
    • Matt Pires ’10, Sigma Nu
    • Mark Spadafora ’08, Delta Kappa Epsilon
    • Jessie Stickgold-Sarah ’96, Fenway House
    • Cecilia Stuopis ’90, Alpha Chi Omega

    2024 Special Thanks

    • FSILG Office -Liz Jason, Jessica Morris, Anthony Dominguez
    • Division of Student Life – Suzy Nelson, Helen Wang, Peter Cummings, David Friedrich
    • MIT Alumni Association – Alumni Relations: Amy Davis & Jacqui Roderick
    • MIT Alumni Association – 24-Hour Challenge: Erin Brennan & Catie Hsieh
    • MIT Alumni Association – NEW Alumni Volunteer Stewardship Officer: Kim Hunter
    • MIT IS&T – John Morgante, Brian Stephens
    • FSILG Cooperative, Inc (FCI) – Scott Klemm, Josh Schuler, Nellie King
    • IRDF – John MacDonald, Hema Foneska, Nick Pothos, Ed Pesce (DSL)
    • MIT Office of the General Counsel – Kristin Garvin

    2023 Special Thanks

    • FSILG Office – Liz Jason, Jessica Morris, Anthony Dominguez
    • Division of Student Life – Suzy Nelson, Judy Robinson, Peter Cummings, David Friedrich
    • MIT Alumni Association – Alumni Relations: Amy Davis; Panhel Scholarship Fund: Margaret Ciocca, Kate Hassey; 24-Hour Challenge: Erin Brennan; IRDF: – Christine Tempesta
    • MIT IS&T – John Morgante, Brian Stephens
    • FSILG Cooperative, Inc (FCI) – Scott Klemm, Josh Schuler, Nellie King
    • IRDF – John MacDonald, Hema Foneska, Nick Pothos (DSL), Kristin Garvin (MIT Office of the General Counsel)

    2022 Special Thanks

    • FSILG Office – Brad Badgley, Liz Jason, Jessica Morris – For ongoing support for MIT’s FSILGs
    • DSL Partners – Suzy Nelson, Judy Robinson, Peter Cummings, David Friedrich – For advocacy and support for MIT’s FSILGs
    • Re-Opening Pilot Houses – Beta Theta Pi, Delta Psi/Number Six, WILG
      For best practices for re-opening that were shared with the community
    • FSILG Reimbursement Team – Pam Gannon, Jon Carlson, Peter Cummings, DSL, Matt Fucci, Ed McDonough, Katie Hammer, VPF
      For overseeing the allocation of $8.4M in support to MIT’s FSILGs since March 2020
    • FSILG Cooperative, Inc. (FCI) – Scott Klemm, Josh Schuler
      For support during Covid that was over and above their regular responsibilities and support for FSILG Renewal efforts
    • Kevin Milligan, Associate Director, Office of the Vice President for Finance (VPF)  For being IRDF Liaison for 16 years, retiring in July
    • The 484 Phi Alpha Foundation The charitable foundation of the alumni of MIT’s Sigma Alpha Epsilon fraternity
      For sustained support for the IRDF and philanthropic commitments that have exceeded $1M
    • MIT IS&T – John Morgante and Brian Stephens
      For ensuring that our FSILGs have the same service as on-campus residences
    • MIT Alumni Association Partners – Alumni Relations: Amy Davis, Danielle Reddy; Panhel Scholarship Fund: Margaret Ciocca, Kate Hassey

    Awards Sponsored by the FSILG Office

    These annual awards recognize students, organizations and supporters who have contributed exceptionally to the mission and values of the FSILG community. Awards include the Frederick Gardiner Fasset, Jr. Award (FSILG Member of the Year), David N. Rogers Ideals and Values Award, Stephen D. Baker Outstanding Change Initiative Award, James R. Killian, Jr. Community Service Award. More information on the FSILG Awards can be found here

    Award Sponsored by the MIT Alumni Association

    The D. Reid Weedon, Jr. ’41 FSILG Alumni Relations Award was established by Mr. Weedon, an alumnus of Phi Beta Epsilon Fraterniy, to encourage FSILG undergradutes to outreach to their alumni. The award is given to the FSILGs that have demonstrated the greatest effort in alumni relations for the academic year. You can view the application process and past winners.