Interested in getting involved? We can do even more with your help! Whether you’re an alum of MIT or from another university, if you want to help the MIT FSILG community and serve current and future students, then consider joining us.

Alum volunteers are needed for:

  • Peer Visitation Program.  Alum teams visit each MIT FSILG regularly, to help the groups examine their own strengths and weaknesses, spread best practices, and discuss community expectations. If you can spend just one weekend day during a semester, you can be on a team! Learn more about the program on the Accreditation Committee pages.
  • AILG committees.  The real work of the AILG happens in committees. Are you interested in a current issue, challenge, or opportunity for MIT FSILGs, such as mentoring or parent outreach? Would you be willing to share your expertise to help the community improve our facilities or finances? Many committees are seeking additional members. Learn more on the various committee pages.

To volunteer or for more information, you can contact the relevant committee chair or the AILG Board at